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2-3 PIECE CAN SPARE PARTS ASSORTED MOTORS AND PUMPS BOOSTER PUMPS PRECISION MACHINING AND GRINDING ELECTRICAL PARTS ALLEN BRADLEY PRECISION MACHINING CRANE PARTS PET BOTTLE PRINTING BLANKET PRINTING PLATES ANALOG PRINTING PALTES DIGITAL EXTRUSION PLANT GENERATORS CORRUGATED PRODUCTS If there are images in this attachment, they will not be displayed. Download the original attachment Overseas Parts A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V 1 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST: 2 ITEM DESCRIPTIONS PART NUMBER QUANTITY UOM USE FOR MANUFACTURER 3 1 Enclosure; Wall mount; Color RAL 5018 AE 1380.500; 380mm x 380mm x 21mm (H x W x D) 4 ea. Compact block I/O at BIDI area Rittal 4 2 Panel Enclosure; Color RAL 5018 TS 8006.500; 200mm x 80mm x 60mm (H x W x D) 2 ea. BELC 1 & 2 Panel Extention Rittal 5 3 Wall; Panel Enclosure TS 8106.235; 2ea./pkg. 2 pkg. BELC 1 & 2 Panel Extention Rittal 6 4 Base; Panel Enclosure TS 8602.000 2 sets BELC 1 & 2 Panel Extention Rittal 7 TS 8602.060 2 sets BELC 1 & 2 Panel Extention Rittal 8 5 Hinges 130o; Panel Enclosure TS 8800.060; 4ea./pkg. 5 pkg. BELC 1 & 2 Panel Extention Rittal 9 6 Air Conditioner; Wall Mount SK 3305100 3 units BELC 1 & 2 Panel Extention Rittal 10 7 Circuit Breaker Bus Bar Mounted Compact NS630N 2 ea. replacement of BELC Panel 1 & 2 supply at SDP 7 & 8 Merlin Gerin 11 8 Busbar; 800mm length; 450A 141A-B305A; 3ea./pkg. 2 pkg. BELC 1 & 2 Panel Extention Allen-Bradley 12 9 Busbar Support; 60mm pole center spacing; 3 pole with inside mounting holes 141A-TR3; 10ea./pkg. 1 pkg. BELC 1 & 2 Panel Extention Allen-Bradley 13 14 10 Busbar End Cover 141A-TR3; 10ea./pkg. 1 pkg. BELC 1 & 2 Panel Extention Allen-Bradley 15 11 Supply Module; 3 poles; 95�120mm2; 81mm wide 141A-VN3120 6 ea. BELC 1 & 2 Panel Extention Allen-Bradley 16 12 Standard Busbar Modules with wires- Short Length 141A-GS54RR25 25 ea. FELC; MLC; BELC 1 & 2 additional vacuum blowers and conveyors Allen-Bradley 17 141A-GS54RR45 10 ea. FELC; MLC; BELC 1 & 2 additional vacuum blowers an ...

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Mr. junnie beltran

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