LSAW & DLSAW Pipes in carbon steel and stainless steel construction Range: - Outside Diameters : 406 mm -1500 mm
- Wall Thickness : 4 mm - 14 mm
- Length : Single random length of 6000 mm, Double random length of 12000 mm [with one girth joint]
- Surface Preparation : Grit Blast up to SA 3
- Internal Coating : Cement mortar lining, epoxy
- External Coating : Weight concreting, coal tar enamel coating, epoxy,
- Specifications : IS 3589 2001, BS, API5L, API Grade 2B, AWWA, DIN
- Installed capacity : 36000 metric tons per annum
Conventional SAW pipes in carbon steel and high tensile steel construction Range:
- Outside Diameters : 600 mm - 4000 mm
- Wall Thickness : 6 mm - 50 mm
- Length : As per clients specifications, up to a maximum of 18000 mm
- Surface Preparation : Grit Blast up to SA 3
- Internal Coating : Cement mortar lining, epoxy
- External Coating : Weight concreting, coal tar enamel coating, epoxy,
- Specifications : IS 3589 2001, BS, API5L, API Grade 2B, AWWA, DIN
Pipe Accessories:The
company provides under one roof all fabricated accessories any cross
country water supply project could require which includes [but not
limited to] miter bends, Y / T pieces, reducers, expansion joints,
dismantling joints, slip on joints, flanges, adaptor pieces and complete
Specifications: - Outside Diameters : 400 mm - 3200 mm [with in-house machining facilities]
- Wall Thickness : 4 mm - 50 mm
- Surface Preparation : Grit Blast up to SA 3
- Heat Treatment : Stress Relieving
- Internal Coating : Epoxy
- External Coating : Weight concreting, coal tar enamel coating, epoxy
- Specifications : IS, AWWA, BS, DIN and other equivalent standards